Maxima & minima resources
Facts & Formulae Leaflets (2)
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Overview of the rules of partial differentiation and methods of optimization of functions in Economics and Business Studies. This leaflet has been contributed to the mathcentre Community Project by Morgiane Richard (University of Aberdeen) and reviewed by Anthony Cronin (University College Dublin).
![Resource type](/images/icons/pdf.png)
Overview of differentiation and its applications in Economics. This leaflet has been contributed to the mathcentre Community Project by Morgiane Richard (University of Aberdeen) and reviewed by Anthony Cronin (University College Dublin).
Motivating Mathematics (1)
![Resource type](/images/icons/video.png)
This mathtutor extension discusses how mathematical modelling using differentiation may be used to determine optimum delivery sizes. This resource is released under a Creative Commons license Attribution-Non-Commercial-No Derivative Works and the copyright is held by Skillbank Solutions Ltd.
Teach Yourself (1)
![Resource type](/images/icons/pdf.png)
This unit explains how differentiation can be used to locate turning points.
It explains what is meant by a maximum turning point and a minimum turning point.
Test Yourself (1)
![Resource type](/images/icons/web.png)
Computer-aided assessment of maths, stats and numeracy from GCSE to undergraduate level 2. These resources have been made available under a Creative Common licence by Martin Greenhow and Abdulrahman Kamavi, Brunel University.
Third Party Resources (1)
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Support material from the University of Plymouth:
The output from this project is a library of portable, interactive, web based support packages to help students learn various mathematical ideas and techniques and to support classroom teaching.
There are support materials on ALGEBRA, GRAPHS, CALCULUS, and much more.
This material is offered through the mathcentre site courtesy of Dr Martin Lavelle and Dr Robin Horan from the University of Plymouth.
The output from this project is a library of portable, interactive, web based support packages to help students learn various mathematical ideas and techniques and to support classroom teaching.
There are support materials on ALGEBRA, GRAPHS, CALCULUS, and much more.
This material is offered through the mathcentre site courtesy of Dr Martin Lavelle and Dr Robin Horan from the University of Plymouth.
Video (1)
![Resource type](/images/icons/video.png)
In this unit we show how differentiation can be used to find the maximum and minimum values of a function. Because the derivative provides information about
the gradient or slope of the graph of a function we can use it to locate points on a
graph where the gradient is zero. We shall see that such points are often associated
with the largest or smallest values of the function, at least in their immediate
locality. In many applications, a scientist, engineer, or economist for example, will
be interested in such points for obvious reasons such as maximising power, or profit, or minimising losses or costs. (Mathtutor Video Tutorial)
This resource is released under a Creative Commons license Attribution-Non-Commercial-No Derivative Works and the copyright is held by Skillbank Solutions Ltd.