Expanding, or removing, brackets resources
iPOD Video (5)

In this unit we see how to expand an expression containing brackets. By this we mean to rewrite the expression in an equivalent form without any brackets in. Fluency with this sort of algebraic manipulation is an essential skill which is vital for further study.
This resource is released under a Creative Commons license Attribution-Non-Commercial-No Derivative Works and the copyright is held by Skillbank Solutions Ltd.

In this unit we see how to expand an expression containing brackets. By this we mean to rewrite the expression in an equivalent form without any brackets in. Fluency with this sort of algebraic manipulation is an essential skill which is vital for further study.
This resource is released under a Creative Commons license Attribution-Non-Commercial-No Derivative Works and the copyright is held by Skillbank Solutions Ltd.

In this unit we see how to expand an expression containing brackets. By this we mean to rewrite the expression in an equivalent form without any brackets in. Fluency with this sort of algebraic manipulation is an essential skill which is vital for further study.
This resource is released under a Creative Commons license Attribution-Non-Commercial-No Derivative Works and the copyright is held by Skillbank Solutions Ltd.

In this unit we see how to expand an expression containing brackets. By this we mean to rewrite the expression in an equivalent form without any brackets in. Fluency with this sort of algebraic manipulation is an essential skill which is vital for further study.
This resource is released under a Creative Commons license Attribution-Non-Commercial-No Derivative Works and the copyright is held by Skillbank Solutions Ltd.

In this unit we see how to expand an expression containing brackets. By this we mean to rewrite the expression in an equivalent form without any brackets in. Fluency with this sort of algebraic manipulation is an essential skill which is vital for further study.
This resource is released under a Creative Commons license Attribution-Non-Commercial-No Derivative Works and the copyright is held by Skillbank Solutions Ltd.
Practice & Revision (3)

A refresher booklet on Algebra with revision, exercises and solutions on fractions, indices, removing brackets, factorisation, algebraic frations, surds, transpostion of formulae, solving quadratic equations and some polynomial equations, and partial fractions. An interactive version and a welsh language version are available.

An interactive version of the refresher booklet on Algebra including links to other resources for further explanation. It includes revision, exercises and solutions on fractions, indices, removing brackets, factorisation, algebraic frations, surds, transpostion of formulae, solving quadratic equations and some polynomial equations, and partial fractions. An interactive version and a welsh language version are available.

An Algebra Refresher.
This booklet revises basic algebraic techniques.
This is a welsh language version.
Quick Reference (5)

In this leaflet we see how to expand an expression containing brackets. By this we mean to rewrite the expression in an equivalent form without any brackets in.

This leaflet explains how to expand or remove brackets from an algebraic expression. (Engineering Maths First Aid Kit 2.3)

In order to simplify mathematical expressions, it is frequently necessary to 'remove brackets'. This leaflet explains the rules for replacing bracketed terms, with non-bracketed equivalents.

This leaflet explains how to multiply together two bracketed linear expressions. (Engineering Maths First Aid Kit 2.4)

In this leaflet, we show you the correct procedure for writing expressions of the form (a+b)(c+d) in an alternative form, without brackets.
Teach Yourself (1)

This is a complete workbook covering the removal of brackets
from expressions. It contains lots of examples and exercises.
It can be used as a free-standing resource, or can be read in conjunction with mathtutor - the companion on-disk resource.
Test Yourself (3)

9 questions: Expanding out expressions such $(ax+b)(cx+d)$ etc.
Numbas resources have been made available under a Creative Commons licence by the School of Mathematics & Statistics at Newcastle University.

9 questions: Expanding out expressions such $(ax+b)(cx+d)$ etc. Numbas resources have been made available under a Creative Commons licence by Bill Foster and Christian Perfect, School of Mathematics & Statistics at Newcastle University.

Computer-aided assessment of maths, stats and numeracy from GCSE to undergraduate level 2. These resources have been made available under a Creative Common licence by Martin Greenhow and Abdulrahman Kamavi, Brunel University.
Third Party Resources (2)

Support material from the University of Plymouth:
The output from this project is a library of portable, interactive, web based support packages to help students learn various mathematical ideas and techniques and to support classroom teaching.
There are support materials on ALGEBRA, GRAPHS, CALCULUS, and much more.
This material is offered through the mathcentre site courtesy of Dr Martin Lavelle and Dr Robin Horan from the University of Plymouth.
The output from this project is a library of portable, interactive, web based support packages to help students learn various mathematical ideas and techniques and to support classroom teaching.
There are support materials on ALGEBRA, GRAPHS, CALCULUS, and much more.
This material is offered through the mathcentre site courtesy of Dr Martin Lavelle and Dr Robin Horan from the University of Plymouth.

The Learning Enhancement Team at the University of East Anglia (UEA) has developed la series of interactive resources accessible via Prezi mind maps : Steps into Numeracy, Steps into Algebra, Steps into Trigonometry, Bridging between Algebra and Calculus, Steps into Calculus, Steps into Differential Equations, Steps into Statistics and Other Essential Skills.
Video (1)

In this unit we see how to expand an expression containing brackets. By this we mean to rewrite the expression in an equivalent form without any brackets in. Fluency with this sort of algebraic manipulation is an essential skill which is vital for further study.
(Mathtutor Video Tutorial)
This resource is released under a Creative Commons license Attribution-Non-Commercial-No Derivative Works and the copyright is held by Skillbank Solutions Ltd.
Video with captions which require edits (1)

In this unit we see how to expand an expression containing brackets. By this we mean to rewrite the expression in an equivalent form without any brackets in. Fluency with this sort of algebraic manipulation is an essential skill which is vital for further study.
(Mathtutor Video Tutorial)
The video is released under a Creative Commons license Attribution-Non-Commercial-No Derivative Works and the copyright is held by Skillbank Solutions Ltd.