Mathematics Education resources
Guides (3)

This report is part of a project funded by the Centre for Learning and Academic Development (CLAD) at the University of Birmingham. The objective of the project was to develop new learning resources to enable staff working in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) to incorporate puzzle-based learning in their teaching. This guide to puzzle-based learning accompanies a selection of mathematical and logic-based puzzles, grouped by mathematical topic and approximate â??levelâ??, as judged by our experiences. It is written to provide advice to staff on how to adapt such puzzles for use in their subject at the appropriate level(s).
Badger M., Sangwin, C.J., Ventura-Medina E. and Thomas C.R. (2012) A Guide to Puzzle-based
Learning in STEM Subjects, University of Birmingham,

This guide edited by Michael Grove and Tina Overton has been developed for those looking to begin pedagogic research within the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) disciplines. Its purpose is to provide an accessible introduction to pedagogic research along with a practical
guide containing hints and tips on how to get started. The guide was produced following a series of national workshops and conferences that were started in
2011 by the National HE STEM Programme and continued in 2012 with the support of the Higher Education Academy.

This sigma Guide is written for postgraduate students who are working in, or who want to work in, mathematics support centres. It distils the wisdom of seven people, who have many years of experience in mathematics education and in the work of support centres, into a practical resource for postgraduate students. In addition, it contains activities which can be used during training sessions to simulate working in a mathematics support centre. The guide is edited by Tony Croft and Michael Grove and authored by A.C.Croft, J.W.Gillard, M.J.Grove, J.Kyle, A.Owen, P.C.Samuels and R.H.Wilson.