Inverse resources
Community Project (1)

A zip file containing the LaTex source files and metatdata for the leaflet - a summary of common mathematical definitions and properties used in the Physical Sciences and Systems Biology contributed to the mathcentre Community Project by Dr Morgiane Richard, University of Aberdeen and reviewed by Mamen Romano and Ian Stansfield, University of Aberdeen.
Facts & Formulae Leaflets (1)

This leaflet is a summary of common mathematical definitions and properties used in the Physical Sciences and Systems Biology contributed to the mathcentre Community Project by Dr Morgiane Richard, University of Aberdeen and reviewed by Mamen Romano and Ian Stansfield, University of Aberdeen.
Quick Reference (2)

Matrices 11: This leaflet explains how to calculate the inverse of a 3x3 matrix. There is an accompanying video tutorial.

Matrices 7: This leaflet explains what is meant by the inverse of a 2x2 matrix and shows how to calculate this when it exists. There is an accompanying video tutorial.
Video (2)

Matrices 11: This video tutorial explains how to calculate the inverse of a 3x3 matrix. There is an accompanying help leaflet.

Matrices 7: This video tutorial explains what is meant by the inverse of a 2x2 matrix and shows how to calculate this when it exists. There is an accompanying help leaflet.
Video with captions which require edits (2)

Matrices 11: This video tutorial explains how to calculate the inverse of a 3x3 matrix. There is an accompanying help leaflet.

Matrices 7: This video tutorial explains what is meant by the inverse of a 2x2 matrix and shows how to calculate this when it exists. There is an accompanying help leaflet.