Powers or indices resources
Third Party Resources (3)

biomathtutor presents students with a filmed bioscience-based scenario and guides them through some of the mathematics they need to understand and grow confident and competent in using routinely. The case-study scenario, covering practical aspects of haematology and microbiology, is presented via a narrated film, 24 min in length, but divided up into short sections. The film tracks the diagnosis and treatment of a student with anaemia and a throat infection and links the clinical findings and diagnoses to 33 interactive questions and relevant maths tutorials. An additional 24 interactive questions cover the same range of basic mathematical concepts presented in similar biological contexts, with a view to reinforcing students' learning.
biomathtutor was developed by Vicki Tariq (University of Central Lancashire), John Heritage and Tom Roper (University of Leeds), Andrew Bond (University of Westminster), Mike Tribe (University of Sussex) and the EBS Trust. It was funded by HEFCE through its National Teaching Fellowship Scheme. This resource is released under a Creative Commons license Attribution-Non-Commercial-No Derivative Works and the copyright is held by EBS Trust 2006.
NOTE: This resource has been tested on a Windows platform with Internet Explorer. There are known problems with Firefox and/or Apple systems.

Support material from the University of Plymouth:
The output from this project is a library of portable, interactive, web based support packages to help students learn various mathematical ideas and techniques and to support classroom teaching.
There are support materials on ALGEBRA, GRAPHS, CALCULUS, and much more.
This material is offered through the mathcentre site courtesy of Dr Martin Lavelle and Dr Robin Horan from the University of Plymouth.
The output from this project is a library of portable, interactive, web based support packages to help students learn various mathematical ideas and techniques and to support classroom teaching.
There are support materials on ALGEBRA, GRAPHS, CALCULUS, and much more.
This material is offered through the mathcentre site courtesy of Dr Martin Lavelle and Dr Robin Horan from the University of Plymouth.

The Learning Enhancement Team at the University of East Anglia (UEA) has developed la series of interactive resources accessible via Prezi mind maps : Steps into Numeracy, Steps into Algebra, Steps into Trigonometry, Bridging between Algebra and Calculus, Steps into Calculus, Steps into Differential Equations, Steps into Statistics and Other Essential Skills.