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Complex arithmetic resources

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Resource type Adding and Subtracting Complex Numbers
This leaflet explains how complex numbers can be added or subtracted. There are accompanying videos. Sigma resource Unit 4.
Resource type Complex arithmetic
This leaflet explains how complex numbers can added, subtracted, multiplied and divided. (Engineering Maths First Aid Kit 7.2)
Resource type Division of complex numbers
This leaflet explains how to divide complex numbers. Sigma resource Unit 7. There are accompanying videos.
Resource type Imaginary numbers and quadratic equations
This leaflet shows how the imaginary number i can be used in the solution of some quadratic equations. Sigma resource Unit 2.
Resource type Motivating the study of complex numbers
This unit introduces complex numbers by explaining how it is useful to be able to formally write down the square root of a negative number. Sigma resource Unit 1.
Resource type Multiplying complex numbers
This leaflet explains how complex numbers can be multiplied together. There are accompanying videos. Sigma resource Unit 5.
Resource type The complex conjugate
This leaflet explains what is meant by the complex conjugate of a complex number. There are accompanying videos. Sigma resource Unit 6.
Resource type What is a complex number
This leaflet explains what is meant by a complex number, and how to find its real and imaginary parts. Sigma resource Unit 3.
Resource type What is a complex number ?
This leaflet gives a simple, brief introduction to the concept of a complex number. (Engineering Maths First Aid Kit 7.1)