Matrices\Multiplication\Square 2x2

No Description Difficulty Syllabus Level
1 [[a,b][c,d]].[[e,f][g,h]]; a,b,...,h in S; MC Easy A-level FP3 Related material
2 [[a,b][x,d]].[[e,f][g,y]] = AB; 2NI Intermediate A-level FP3 Related material
3 Check the 2x2 system of equations Ly = b; MC Easy A-level FP3 Related material
4 [[a,b][x,d]].[[e,f][g,y]]=[[x,x][x,x]] to find; 4NI Intermediate A-level FP3 Related material
5 Check the 2x2 system of equations Ux = y; MC Easy A-level FP3 Related material
6 Find the 2x2 matrices L and U in LU = A; MC Easy A-level FP3 Related material
7 Transformation of shape given coordinates and matrix; 2NI Hard A-level FP3 Related material